Section: Software
Participants : Sean Sedwards, Benoit Boyer, Kevin Corre, Axel Legay [correspondant] .
PLASMA is our implementation of Statistical Model Checking. PLASMA adopts a modular architecture to facilitate the extension of its features. Models can currently be specified using the PRISM reactive modules syntax or a biochemical syntax, while properties are specified in a discrete bounded temporal logic. Our goal is to allow the implementation of other modeling languages and logics by means of self-contained drop-in modules. PLASMA facilitates this by providing an intermediate language to generate transition systems based on the notion of the construct (guard, rate, actions), where guard, rate and actions are functions over the current state of the system and control whether and how fast the system may perform certain actions in each state. New modeling languages may be thus added to PLASMA's repertoire by constructing parsers that translate such languages into the intermediate language.
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